Course Information

Name:Hydrologic Trespass and Nuisance Considerations in Stormwater Management Design (In-Person)

New Course:Yes

With the advent of numerous stormwater regulations, the use of measures to manage and treat stormwater runoff has become a critical component of many infrastructure and development projects. This use of stormwater management measures, while intended to control the quantity and quality of runoff, can still alter hydrology, flow patterns and sedimentation in ways that may give rise to legal issues and litigation from downstream (or upstream) landowners. Claims of “hydrologic trespass,” nuisance, and other actions deriving from the broad area of water law can sometimes arise even when the designer has properly followed the local regulations. This one-hour brownbag will discuss the basic principles of water law, drainage law claims of nuisance and trespass, and other legal actions as they relate to stormwater management design.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of legal principles that surround stormwater management and hydrologic modifications
  • Learn how to anticipate potential legal issues that may arise from stormwater management
  • Be better able to communicate with clients, regulators, attorneys and the public about stormwater management

No upcoming dates for this course.